Apollo Miter Clamp – Quick, Precise and Easy to Use
Miter Clamps are an easy to use fabrication tool designed specifically for creating 90-degree mitered edges.
Available in two sizes:
- 6″ (for up to 13cm / 5.12″ fascias)
- 13-1/2″ (for 12 to 32cm / 4.72″ -12.6″ fascias).
Each unit is sold separately (depending on the slab length, multiple units may be required).
Product Features:
- Built-in square creates high-quality 90º seams
- Fascia clamping rod ensures tight seams
- Fascia retaining arm ensures accurate alignment
- Plastic disposable glue-catcher protects tool from glue overrun (replacements sold separately)
- High-quality aluminum & stainless steel construction
- White rubber plate protects surface of stone
- Quick release mechanism for fast operation